Do I Tell?

Ji-sung does not want to be with the boys. But he cannot say no to Mike and Scott. He is scared of them. (p.18)
 Ji-sung met Mike and Scott at the bus stop. He saw they were doing bad things. But he was scary so that he couldn't say stop to them. Becasuse of that, when a police officer saw them, Ji-sung was also suspected even he didn't do anything bad. We should be brave to say stop when we saw a case like this.
 Waring R.,& Jamall M.(2006). Do I tell? Boston, MA: Thomson ELT.


  1. he was scary
    he was scared

    even he didn't do anything bad.
    even though he didn't do anything bad.

    Waring R.,& Jamall M.(2006).
    Waring, R., & Jamall, M. (2006).

    Don't forget to write book reviews consistently! You have already read 3 books for literature circles, all of which should be turned into reviews!

  2. Have you given up this course?




Mystery in London

L.A. Detective

The Red-headed League