
6月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

The Hunt for Gold

The robbers couldn't find the gold. They let everyone go "Hooray," said Luke. "Wilf's chewing gum saved the gold." (p. 24)  Today, I read "The Hunt for Gold". The four children  backed in time by magic, and they saw a family who are hunting for gold. Then, they found a gold nugget. On their way to sell it, they encountered rubbers. But a boy used chewing gum and save the gold nugget. I liked the boy's idea and I think this is the most interesting part! Vocabulary nugget:塊 Hunt. R The Hunt for Gold :Oxford University Press

What I read these days

Hi, everyone. Today, I'll tell you a book I read these days. It's " Sega vs. Nintendo ". It wrote about console wars of Sega and Nintendo, the age of Mega Drive(Genesis) and Family Computer. I'm the supporter of Sega (I love Sonic!). Nintendo was very strong, but how Sega overcomed? The battle is very interesting!


John falls out of the cave. He drops the cup, and it falls out too. You look outside. Your partner is hanging from a rock. The cup is on another rock. It's shaking, about to fall again! "Save the cup!" John shouts. "I can climb up!" Today, I read "THE LOST CUP" by James Broadbridge, published by Atama-ii books. Atama-ii Series books have 8 endings. I could enjoy all of them.

My birthday

I couldn't write the last weekend. And today, I'll write about my event two weeks ago. In fact, week before last is my birthday and I went shopping with my mother. I bought two new pairs of shoes. I also went "Ikinari steak" for lunch. I had a really good time. But well, I wish next year's birthday will be celebrated by my friends.

The Nightingale

Every night the king listened to the toy bird but one day, it broke. "It will never sing again", the servant said sadly. Years passed and the king grew very sick. My only wish is to hear the music of a nightingale", he said. He begged the toy bird to sing. But, of course, it did not.(pp 12-13)   I read "The Nightingale" from Folk & Fairy Tale EASY READERS.  In this story, nightingale can speak and understand person's feelings. One day, the king listened the nightingale's song and he loved and kept the bird. After that, He got a toy bird and he preferred it to real one, so the real bird flew away. But one day, a toy bird broke. He can' t listen the song any more.Then he became sick and he wants to listen the bird's song. And…  It was very heart-warmed story and I was moved by the nightingale's kindness.

The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

"Do you really want to leave all this fine food?" asked the city mouse. "The city is nice, but corn and safety are better than cherry pie and danger," said the country mouse.(p. 15)  Today, I read "The City Mouse and the Country Mouse" from Folk&Fairy Tale Easy Readers. The city mouse visited country, and country mouse visited city. Each of them had very good time and enjoyed there foods. However, in the city, there are finest meat but there are also people, dog and cat so it's dangerous. So country mouse decided not to stay in the city.  I found good points of city life and country life from this book. City is exciting, and country is free and less danger.


Today, I'll tell you my favorite video game. It's…SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!!! And recently, the release date in Japanese store of new sonic's game has decided. The new game's title is SONIC MANIA . It will be released on August 16th. I can't wait to play this!!